Ensimini Financial Services
The Ensimini way

We seed, nurture, grow and support our clients in all aspects of their employee benefit arrangements with the same care we would if it were our own

We seed, nurture, grow and support
our clients in all aspects of their employee benefit arrangements with the same care we would if it were our own

We seed, nurture, grow and support our clients in all aspects of their employee benefit arrangements with the same care we would if it were our own


The Two-Pot System is Here!

The Two-Pot System is effective 1 September 2024.

How will the Two-Pot System work?

Please click here for a one-page summary of the Two-Pot System. This offers a high-level overview of the Two-Pot System and please click here for our Legal Update Two-Pot System Special Edition that contains a more detailed explanation of the various aspects of and issues relating to the Two-Pot System.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for Members

The Two-Pot system will make significant changes to how retirement funds operate. We know that with change there are many questions that will arise. To help with the questions, we have prepared a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions to assist.

Please click here to access the frequently asked questions regarding the Two-Pot System that we have prepared. We will continue to add to this list as we receive new questions not already covered.

Still Need More Information?

Please contact us at twopotinfo@ensimini.com for any questions you still might have that is not provided in this section.

Ensimini Online & the Two-Pot System

Access to Information

Ensimini Online is an online tool that provides members with access to a lot of information regarding their fund and benefits in the fund. It is also used to make important information regarding the fund available to members.

Each fund’s Board of Trustees will determine their fund’s communication strategy to inform members of the Two-Pot System and will determine what information will be made available via the Information Repository on Ensimini Online.

Registering to use Ensimini Online

To register, please email your HR department for login details or email us on info@ensimini.com. We encourage all members of retirement funds administered by Ensimini to please register on Ensimini Online to enjoy the benefits it offers.

Savings Withdrawals

From 1 September 2024 members of funds that we administer will be able to use Ensimini Online to submit savings withdrawal claims directly to us via Ensimini Online. Using Ensimini Online to submit your savings withdrawal claim will result in a lower savings withdrawal fee and a quicker processing time than if you submitted a savings withdrawal form to us.

If you want to submit a claim via email, the savings withdrawal claim form must be completed. The completed savings withdrawal claim form must be sent to us in an email entitled “Savings Withdrawal” to twopotinfo@ensimini.com via your Human Resources or Payroll Departments. We will not accept any savings withdrawal claim forms submitted directly to us by members.

The Savings Withdrawal form can be downloaded here.

Older Members Opting in to the Two-Pot System

Members that were over 55 on 1 March 2021 and that are still members of the same Provident Fund will have to elect to participate in the Two-Pot System, if they want to. From 1 September 2024 the facility to opt in to the Two-Pot System will be available via Ensimini Online.

If you want to submit an opt in form via email, the opt in form must be completed. The completed opt in form must be sent to us in an email entitled “Opt In for Older Members” to twopotinfo@ensimini.com via your Human Resources or Payroll Departments. We will not accept any opt in forms submitted directly to us by members.

The Opt In form can be downloaded here.

How To Guide

Click here for our “How To” guide that explains how to register on Ensimini Online and how to submit a savings withdrawal claim via Ensimini Online and via email.

Two-Pot System Webinars

We will be hosting webinars on three topics. Please sign up for the seminar(s) that you wish to attend. Please feel free to email us on twopotinfo@ensimini.com if you need clarity or have questions.

Topic 1: Everything you need to know about the Two-Pot System

Content: Everything you need to know about the Two-Pot System and how to submit a savings withdrawal or opt in:

  • When does the Two-Pot System become effective?
  • Two-Pot System in detail
    •  What are the pots?
    • How do the pots fill up?
    • How do the pots pay out? (benefits)
    • Tax and the Two-Pot System
    • 'Older’ members
  • How to...
    • Make a Savings Withdrawal
    • Opt In to Two-Pot (“older members”)

Topic 2: Administrative Processes for the Employer

Content: An explanation of how the employer’s administration processes will change:

  • Facilitating communication
  • Change to contribution schedules
  • Savings withdrawal claims
  • Older members opting in to the Two-Pot System

Who should attend?

  • Trustees
  • Employer HR and Payroll staff

Webinar Signup

If you would like to attend one of our webinars, please sign up by clicking the 'Register Now' link next to your chosen topic and preferred date from the selection below:

Topic 1: Everything you need to know about the Two-Pot System

Topic 2: Administrative Processes for the Employer